The SetFit Driver
Most drivers are designed for highly skilled
players. When struck with a high-speed swing their steep faces produce
a low, boring trajectory.
In the hands of an average golfer, with mere mortal
swing speed, two things go wrong.
the launch angle is too shallow, and
the face must be square at impact, or the ball
will hook or slice
The SetFit Driver has almost 50% more loft than most
drivers. The result is longer and straighter drives.
Longer - not because of humps, bubbles, miracle metals
or other gimmicks - It's Longer because you actually get the ball into
the air.
Straighter because more loft means more backspin and
less sidespin. Sidespin, imparted to the ball when the clubface is not
square at impact, is what causes hooks and slices.
The SetFit Driver is designed for Average
Golfers. You will hit it straighter and longer than any of
the drivers designed for the pros.